Staff Blog
Taxing aviation for loss and damage caused by climate change
Levying taxes on airplane tickets could help provide a stable source of revenue for a new Loss and Damage Fund, which has been created to aid climate-vulnerable nations dealing with global warming effects.

Aligning the IMO’s Greenhouse Gas Fuel Standard with its GHG strategy and the Paris Agreement
Explores how the GHG Fuel Standard (GFS) can be designed to align with the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) GHG strategy and the Paris Agreement.

Without more action, LNG could pull international shipping off its decarbonization course
Regulating the life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity of marine fuels is crucial amidst the rise of LNG-fueled ships.

Improving economics strengthen the case for ambitious EV policies to achieve Paris commitments
Three recent reports highlight the need for more policy action to put road transport emissions on a pathway compatible with Paris Agreement goals.

Opportunity NOx: How to fix the IMO’s backwards air pollution regulation
New research by the ICCT reveals that ships with newer Tier II engines emit more nitrogen oxides (NOx) than ships with older Tier I engines, highlighting the need for stricter emissions standards and testing methods in the maritime sector.

Which automakers are keeping the ZEV momentum strong?
This blog discusses top automakers’ progress in setting zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) targets through September 2023, highlights notable commitments, and compares their ambition across different regions.

Under the hood: Some automakers are surprising in the EV race
In the high-stakes race away from conventional internal combustion engine vehicles and toward a zero-tailpipe-emissions future, the traditional hierarchies among light-duty vehicle (LDV) manufacturers are ripe for reshuffling.

IMO’s newly revised GHG strategy: What it means for shipping and the Paris Agreement
The 2023 strategy contains big improvements, including a net-zero date around 2050 and interim emissions reduction targets for 2030 and 2040.

Fair fares for the climate
Airlines already have the pricing strategies they need to help fund net-zero targets in an equitable way.

Would a frequent flying tax be progressive?
In September 2022, we published a proposal for using a global frequent flying levy (FFL) to cover the estimated abatement cost of commercial aviation. Now we investigate whether this solution is progressive or regressive.

Quick pit stops: A challenge for zero-emission planes?
Analyzes the charging and refueling speeds needed for zero-emission aircraft to match the gate turnaround times of conventional aircraft.

Beyond Europe: Are there ambitious electrification targets across major markets?
A recent string of voluntary electrification targets set by large car manufacturers could be the start of more ambitious global announcements in the future, if major vehicle markets other than Europe set regulations to drive accelerated adoption of zero-emission vehicles.