Staff Blog
Explained: Why fuel efficiency standards in Australia are expected to reduce costs for car owners
It’s important to consider vehicle ownership cost over time when thinking about the costs of complying with fuel efficiency standards.
Run, Australia, run! Catch up with leading markets in decarbonizing light-duty vehicles
When Australia sets light-duty vehicle fuel efficiency or CO2 emission standards, it’s critical for climate goals that they align with world-class standards and start as early as possible.
Beyond Europe: Are there ambitious electrification targets across major markets?
A recent string of voluntary electrification targets set by large car manufacturers could be the start of more ambitious global announcements in the future, if major vehicle markets other than Europe set regulations to drive accelerated adoption of zero-emission vehicles.
A 2022 update on electric car sales: China taking the lead, the U.S. catching up, and Europe falling behind
Standards and supporting policies can have a big impact on the electric vehicle market
2021: Another chapter in the global race towards electrification
The data is in—what’s the status of electric vehicle uptake in the three largest markets?
The impact of COVID-19 on new car markets in China, Europe, and the United States: V, U, W, or L?
COVID-19 had drastic but different impacts on vehicle markets in China, Europe, and the United States during the first half of 2020.
Looking back to look ahead: India’s fuel consumption standards
India’s recent summary report on fuel efficiency compliance reveals what the country should focus on in the next round of standards.
Why efficiency technology still matters in China
Until BEVs are able to meet the needs of mainstream vehicle market in China, manufacturers are continuing to develop advanced efficiency technologies for use in conventional vehicles.
Practical lessons in vehicle efficiency policy: The 10-year evolution of France's CO2-based bonus-malus (feebate) system
Feebate systems can be an effective policy tool for promoting vehicle efficiency. A change that France made recently to its feebate system illustrates the absolute best way to do things, while a look back at what changed illustrates why alternatives are . . . not best.
Should Peru implement a fuel economy feebate system?
Peru is committed to the Global Fuel Economy Initiative “100 for 50 by 50” campaign, and the Peruvian government intent on reducing vehicle fuel consumption. That may open policy windows to accelerate the adoption of efficiency technologies, which means that in 2018, Peru is likely to see more interagency discussion on policy strategies to reduce fuel consumption from vehicles. We look forward to learning what will happen next.
Naming and shaming manufacturers only works if you have a strong regulator
Even though Japan’s compliance and enforcement program is one of the most comprehensive, it could still be improved. Japan has an outsize influence on compliance and enforcement worldwide because it is home to major automotive manufacturers that sell their products worldwide. We should all hope that Japan’s regulatory agencies keep playing tough, then, because that may translate into an outsize benefit to people’s health and the climate.
2015 Global electric vehicle trends: Which markets are up (the most)
The state of the EV market in 2015: Countries with relatively high EV sales, as a percentage of new vehicle sales, remained high while others with lower EV sales were still catching up.