Press release
Experts expand the coverage of greenhouse gases in Travel Impact Model for flight emissions
Independent Advisory Committee for Google’s Travel Impact Model agrees on more comprehensive accounting of aviation’s climate effects
The gap between real-world and official values for CO2 emissions and fuel consumption grows again despite new test procedure
A new ICCT study indicates that the gap between real-world and official CO2 emission and fuel consumption values of new combustion engine cars increased between 2018 and 2022 from 8% to 14%. Berlin, 31 January – The average gap, or divergence, between the official and real-world fuel consumption and CO2 emission values of passenger cars […]
Trotz neuem Prüfverfahren: Offizielle und reale Emissions- und Verbrauchswerte von Pkw klaffen erneut auseinander
Eine neue ICCT-Studie zeigt, dass die Differenz zwischen den tatsächlichen CO2-Emissionen und Kraftstoffverbräuchen von Neuwagen und den offiziell angegebenen Werten zwischen 2018 und 2022 von 8 auf 14 Prozent gewachsen ist. Berlin, 31. Januar – Die Differenz zwischen Herstellerangaben und tatsächlichem Kraftstoffverbrauch bzw. CO2-Emissionen von Pkw hat sich trotz Einführung eines neuen Fahrzeugprüfverfahrens erneut vergrößert. […]
Real-world methane emissions from LNG-fueled ships are higher than current regulations assume, new study finds
Policymakers urged to consider increasing the default methane slip value to at least 6% for the most common LNG engine (January 25th, 2024) Washington, DC. − Today, the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) released a new report characterizing methane emissions from ships fueled by liquefied natural gas (LNG) operating in Europe and Australia. It […]
New Study Estimates Over 160,000 Jobs to be Created by U.S. Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Buildout by 2032
(Washington, DC) 23 January 2024 — Today, the International Council on Clean Transportation released a groundbreaking study, projecting the significant job opportunities to be created by the expansion of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in the United States. The report explores the labor demands that will arise due to the rapid growth of the EV […]
ICCT Announces New Board Chair: Anthony Eggert Takes the Helm
The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) is pleased to announce a change in the leadership of its Board of Directors. Anthony Eggert, a dedicated Member of the Board since 2021, has assumed the role of Board Chair, effective this month.
Elektroautos erreichen immer mehr gesellschaftliche Gruppen – günstigere Modelle und mehr Ladepunkte sind zentral für den Umstieg
Ein neuer Monitor des ICCT analysiert die Entwicklung des Elektroauto-Marktes aus sozialer Perspektive und leitet Handlungsempfehlungen für die Politik ab.
Strategies to align global road transport with well below 2°C
A new report identifies a portfolio of ambitious but feasible policies that could put the global road vehicle fleet on a pathway compatible with limiting warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius (1.7°C).
Studie des ICCT: Elektroautos in Deutschland bei Gesamtkosten günstiger als vergleichbare Benziner
Eine aktuelle ICCT-Studie ergab, dass Elektroautos in der deutschen Kompaktklasse preislich wettbewerbsfähig sind und über vier Jahre mit Anreizen einen Vorteil von 12.300 Euro bieten.
O começo de uma nova era no transporte coletivo urbano em São Paulo
Com a chegada de cinquenta novos ônibus elétricos na capital paulista, os primeiros desde o projeto piloto com 18 veículos iniciado em 2019, a cidade comemora um passo efetivo em direção à descarbonização do transporte coletivo municipal.