Vaibhav Kush
Vaibhav Kush is a Researcher with ICCT’s India team, leading the Low Emission Zones work there. He engages with sub-national administrations to accelerate adoption of Low- and Zero Emission Zones in India. He has been working in the Sustainable Mobility sector since 2016, with expertise in safe systems, policy formulation and stakeholder engagements. Before joining ICCT, Vaibhav was associated with WRI India’s Sustainable Cities program for over six years, leading projects under Botnar CRS Challenge. He was actively involved in Haryana Vision Zero, pedestrianisation of Delhi’s Chandni Chowk, development of IRC guidelines on urban transport, etc. Prior to WRI India, Vaibhav has worked as an Architect and was involved in the design of large scale green building projects like corporate parks, Inter-container Depots, universities, etc. Vaibhav has a bachelor’s in Architecture and a Master’s in Urban Planning from the School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi. He is a member of several professional bodies including International Sociological Association, Institute of Town Planners India, Council of Architecture, Indian Roads Congress, Indian Institute of Architects, Indian Buildings Congress, among others.