Report - International Council on Clean Transportation Independent research to benefit public health and mitigate climate change Tue, 06 Feb 2024 15:15:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Report - International Council on Clean Transportation 32 32 Charging up China’s transition to electric vehicles: A dive into China’s public charging infrastructure deployment and comparison with Europe and the United States Wed, 31 Jan 2024 16:01:57 +0000 Explores China's public charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in comparison with that of Europe and the United States and offers recommendations for further expansion and improvement.

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China is a global leader in the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), but insufficient charging access remains a major challenge. This report examines the number, coverage, capacity, and utilization of public chargers in China in comparison with Europe and the United States and offers recommendations for the country to expand and improve its charging infrastructure.

This report finds that China’s public charger infrastructure network is the largest in the world, with over 1 million chargers—51% of the global total – and a total power capacity of 56 gigawatts as of 2022. Public chargers in China are disproportionately concentrated in developed cities, however, with the top 15 cities accounting for 57% of the country’s total public charger stock. Highways are a particular weak spot—China’s highway public charger density is significantly lower than countries like Norway. Several Chinese cities have established widely-distributed public charging networks in their urban cores while public charger coverage in suburban and rural areas is much lower in comparison. Meanwhile, public chargers in urban cores of leading cities have high utilization rates, but citywide averages are still low. To expand and improve its public charging infrastructure network, China could consider adopting new metrics to assess charger deployment and usage, developing localized charger deployment plans based on data-driven charging needs assessments, targeting planning and investment toward low-coverage areas, and improving the quality and comprehensiveness of charger data through establishing an official national database to enable more in-depth analysis to support policy design.

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赋能汽车电动化转型:中国公用充电基础设施建设现状探究及国际比较 Wed, 31 Jan 2024 16:01:40 +0000 本报告探究了中国电动汽车公用充电基础设施的建设现状,与欧洲和美国的进展进行了比较,并相应地为中国公用充电基础设施的进一步完善提出了政策建议。

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本报告的量化分析结果显示,中国已经建成了全球最大的公用充电基础设施服务网络,截至 2022 年,中国的公用充电桩数量已经达到 100 万根,占全球公用充电桩总保有量的 51%,中国公用充电桩的总装机功率已经达到5.6万兆瓦。然而,中国的公共充电桩地域分布不均,聚集在少数最发达城市,截至2022年底,公用充电桩保有量排名前 15 位的城市的公用充电桩保有量之和占全国总量的 57%。高速公路是中国公用充电基础设施服务网络的一个薄弱环节,中国平均每万公里高速公路沿途的公用充电桩数量明显低于挪威。北京、上海等中国城市已经在中心城区基本建成了覆盖广泛的公用充电基础设施服务网络,但郊区和农村地区的公用充电桩覆盖率要低得多。此外,中国领先城市市中心的公用充电桩已经实现了较高的平均时间利用率,但从全市整体平均来看,中国城市公用充电桩的利用率仍然较低。为进一步完善公用充电基础设施服务网络,中国可以考虑采用新的指标来评估充电基础设施的建设和使用情况、采用数据驱动的需求预测方法进行省市层面的充电基础设施需求分析并相应地制定科学的充电基础设施规划、通过针对性的政策助推后发城市、郊区和农村地区、以及高速公路充电便利性的提升、以及通过建立官方的充电基础设施国家数据库来提高相关数据的质量和全面性从而支持更加深入的、能够为相关政策的科学制定提供有力技术支撑的量化分析。

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Fugitive and Unburned Methane Emissions from Ships (FUMES): Characterizing methane emissions from LNG-fueled ships using drones, helicopters, and on-board measurements Thu, 25 Jan 2024 08:00:13 +0000 The FUMES report, a collaboration between ICCT, Explicit ApS, and TNO, reveals that real-world methane emissions from LNG-fueled ships, including "methane slip" from marine engines, exceed E.U. and IMO assumptions.

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The use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a marine fuel is rapidly growing. However, methane emissions from LNG-fueled ships in the form of “methane slip” contribute to climate change. Real-world measurements of methane slip were previously scarce, and the actual magnitude of ship-level methane emissions was largely unknown.

The Fugitive and Unburned Methane Emissions from Ships (FUMES) project, a collaboration between the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), Explicit ApS, and the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), collected the most comprehensive dataset of real-world methane emissions from LNG-fueled ships to date, including methane slip from marine engines and fugitive methane emissions from LNG cargo unloading operations. Measurements were performed onboard in the exhaust stack and using drones and helicopters.

The project finds that real-world methane slip measured in the plumes of 18 ships using the most common type of LNG marine engine (LPDF 4-stroke) averaged 6.4%, whereas EU regulations assume 3.1% methane slip and the United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO) assumes 3.5%.The report recommends that E.U. and IMO policymakers consider increasing the assumed methane slip for LPDF 4-stroke engines to at least 6%.

Caption: Explicit ApS uses a drone to measure methane emissions in the exhaust plume of a ship while TNO measures in the exhaust stack from the engine room. (Photo credit: Explicit ApS)

Onboard measurements found that methane slip and work-specific NOx emissions were highest at the lowest engine loads. To address this, policymakers should consider adding a 10% engine load test point to engine certification test cycles. Other findings and recommendations are provided in the full report.

Supplemental materials:

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Charging up America: The growth of United States electric vehicle charging infrastructure jobs Tue, 23 Jan 2024 04:01:23 +0000 This paper projects the number of jobs inside the U.S. that will be needed to expand electric LDV and MHDV charging infrastructure to meet annual charging needs of a growing electric vehicle fleet. This paper projects the number of jobs inside the U.S. that will be needed to expand electric LDV and MHDV charging infrastructure to meet annual charging needs based on U.S. EPA’s recent proposed regulations through 2032.

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The accelerating transition to electric vehicles (EVs) will create new labor demands in many areas, including the production and maintenance of the vehicles, in addition to the production, installation, and maintenance of charging infrastructure. Jobs related to EV infrastructure installation and maintenance are especially important because these jobs are carried out at the site, creating growing opportunities for workers in the United States and spillover economic benefits in local communities.

This paper projects the number of jobs that will be needed to expand electric light-duty vehicle (LDV) and medium- and heavy-duty vehicle (MHDV) charging infrastructure to meet annual charging needs through 2032. It quantifies the charging needs of a growing electric vehicle fleet that is aligned with newly proposed federal standards, and then projects the number of new jobs needed to deploy the necessary infrastructure.

Figure 9. Estimated full-time equivalent jobs by job types from both light-duty and medium- and heavy- duty vehicle charging infrastructure buildout from 2023 to 2032

Key takeaways from the paper include:

  • Growth in U.S. charging infrastructure can create about 160,000 jobs by 2032. Notably, more than 78,000 jobs, or close to 50% of the total jobs needed, will be electrical installation, maintenance, and repair jobs, while the rest are charger assembly, general construction labor, software maintenance and repair, planning and design, administration, and legal. 90% of these new jobs will support LDV EV infrastructure needs, while the remaining 10% will support MHDV EV infrastructure growth.
  • Electric vehicle charging infrastructure buildout needs to accelerate in unison with EV uptake. By 2032, approximately 4.1 million non-home chargers (including workplace Level 2, public Level 2, and public DC fast chargers) and 37.4 million home chargers (including multifamily home and single-family home chargers) will be needed to support the LDV fleet. By 2032, approximately 29,000 ultra-fast and fast chargers, and 500,000 overnight chargers will be needed to support the MHDV fleet.
  • There is potential for even greater job growth from increased domestic production and supply chain integration. This analysis estimates that the final assembly of 33% of Level 2 chargers and 100% of DC fast chargers will occur domestically by 2032, leading to a total of more than 13,000 jobs in charger assembly.
  • Government policies and industry partnership can help grow a high-road EV charging industry and ensure that work is carried out by appropriately trained workers. Government policies that support a high-road EV infrastructure industry, such as wage and benefits standards, skills certification requirements, and support for workers choice to join unions, will be essential to help increase the pool of skilled workers to meet growing labor demand and maximize the economic and social benefits of public investments in charging infrastructure.

*This paper was edited on 27 January 2024 to update acknowledgements and citations.

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European Vehicle Market Statistics – Pocketbook 2023/24 Wed, 10 Jan 2024 22:00:00 +0000 The ICCT’s European Vehicle Market Statistics 2023/24 Pocketbook provides an annual statistical portrait of the state of the EU car, van, truck, and bus markets in their transition to decarbonization.

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The ICCT’s European Vehicle Market Statistics 2023/24 Pocketbook offers an annual statistical snapshot of the evolving landscape of the EU’s car, van, truck, and bus markets in their journey toward decarbonization. The report encompasses data spanning from 2001 to 2022, focusing on vehicle sales, fuel efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions, and air pollutants. For user-friendly navigation through the facts and figures, please visit our website at

The latest findings from the 2023/24 report indicate a sustained decline in vehicle sales across the EU market. This trend has persisted since the peak in 2019, with the COVID-19 pandemic causing a setback in sales growth. In 2021, sales continued to contract, falling by 3% compared to the previous year and plummeting by 26% in comparison to the 2019 peak.

In terms of the electric car market, the report highlights a stabilization in early 2023, following a remarkable period of growth. In 2022, the EU’s electric passenger car market share reached 22%, establishing a significant presence. While this exceeded the United States, which registered a 7% market share, the EU still trailed behind China, where electric vehicles accounted for a substantial 32% of the market.

Moreover, the report underscores noteworthy progress in reducing carbon emissions. Average CO2 emissions from new passenger cars, as assessed using the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP), declined to 110 g/km in 2022 within the European Economic Area. This marked a notable decrease of approximately 6 g/km when compared to the emissions recorded in 2021.

Other select highlights from the 2023/24 edition include:

  • The electric car market made a significant leap from 3% market share in 2019 to 22% in 2022. However, growth temporarily slowed in early 2023, influenced by factors such as the expiration of government incentives and supply constraints.
  • Leading the battery electric car segment in the European Economic Area are Norway (65%), the Netherlands (20%), and Sweden (19%). Larger EU vehicle markets, including Germany (14%), France (9%), Italy (5%), and Spain (3%), are adopting electric vehicles at varying rates.
  • Norway and the Netherlands owe part of their electric car market success to extensive charging infrastructure. Norway boasted 14.5 publicly accessible charging points per thousand passenger vehicles in 2021, over seven times the EU average, followed closely by the Netherlands with eight charging points.

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ICCT-Monitor 2023: Ist der Übergang von Verbrenner- zu Elektro-Pkw sozial gerecht? Wed, 13 Dec 2023 14:00:20 +0000 Der ICCT-Monitor „Elektromobilität und soziale Teilhabe“ analysiert die Entwicklung des Pkw-Markts in Deutschland aus sozialer Sicht.

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Der Monitor “Elektromobilität und soziale Teilhabe” für das Jahr 2023 wertet Pkw-Neuzulassungs- und Bestandsdaten sowie Daten zu öffentlichen und halböffentlichen Ladeinfrastrukturen für Elektro-Pkw in Deutschland aus. Dabei werden unter anderem Entwicklungen der Vergangenheit, verschiedene Haltergruppen (Privatpersonen, Flotten, Hersteller und Handel) und geografische Unterschiede berücksichtigt. Darüber hinaus bietet der Monitor eine Kostenvergleichsanalyse ausgewählter Verbrenner- und Elektro-Pkw und vergleicht diese Kosten für verschiedene Einkommensgruppen. Eine Auswahl politischer Maßnahmen von Regierungen in Ländern außerhalb Deutschlands, die auf einen sozial gerechten Übergang von Verbrenner- zu Elektro-Pkw abzielen, rundet den Monitor ab.

🔎 Klicken Sie auf die Abbildung, um sie zu vergrößern

Elektro-Pkw erreichen die erste frühe gesellschaftliche Mehrheit

Von Januar bis Oktober 2023 erreichten Elektro-Pkw 18 Prozent Marktanteil an den Neuzulassungen in Deutschland, der gleiche durchschnittliche Anteil wie im Jahr 2022. Damit hat die Marktakzeptanz der Technologie das Stadium der ersten „frühen gesellschaftlichen Mehrheit“ erreicht.

Technologieakzeptanzkurve und Anteil von Elektro-Pkw-Neuzulassungen in Deutschland seit 2019.

Elektro-Pkw erreichen die erste frühe gesellschaftliche Mehrheit

Von Januar bis Oktober 2023 erreichten Elektro-Pkw 18 Prozent Marktanteil an den Neuzulassungen in Deutschland, der gleiche durchschnittliche Anteil wie im Jahr 2022. Damit hat die Marktakzeptanz der Technologie das Stadium der ersten „frühen gesellschaftlichen Mehrheit“ erreicht (vgl. Abbildung).

Technologieakzeptanzkurve und Anteil von Elektro-Pkw-Neuzulassungen in Deutschland seit 2019.

Neue Elektro-Pkw werden vor allem im Norden, Westen und Süden Deutschlands zugelassen

Neuzulassungen von Elektro-Pkw sind in Deutschland geografisch ungleich verteilt. Die fünf Regionen mit den höchsten Anteilen von Elektro-Pkw an den Neuzulassungen im Jahr 2022 befinden sich im Norden, Westen und Süden des Landes.

Anteil von Elektro-Pkw-Neuzulassungen an den gesamten Pkw-Neuzulassungen im Jahr 2022 nach Kreisen und kreisfreien Städten.

Der gewerbliche und private Elektro-Pkw-Markt entwickelt sich unterschiedlich

Es gibt einen deutlichen Unterschied zwischen dem gewerblichen und dem privaten Pkw-Markt: Gewerbliche Halter, auf die in den vergangenen Jahren etwa zwei Drittel der Pkw-Neuzulassungen entfielen, entschieden sich im Jahr 2022 bei Neuwagenkäufen zu 14 Prozent für Elektro-Pkw. Bei Privatpersonen, die etwa ein Drittel der Pkw-Neuzulassungen ausmachen, lag der Anteil von Elektro-Pkw-Neuzulassungen im Jahr 2022 bei fast 25 Prozent.

Entwicklung der monatlichen privaten Pkw-Neuzulassungen nach Antriebsarten (links, Liniendiagramm). Marktanteile von privaten bzw. gewerblichen Pkw-Neuzulassungen nach Antriebsarten im Jahr 2022 (rechts, Säulendiagramme).

Elektro-Pkw sind finanziell wirtschaftlicher als vergleichbare benzinbetriebene Varianten, aber nicht immer

Die Gesamtbetriebskosten von vergleichbaren Elektro-Pkw und benzinbetriebenen Pkw im Kompakt- und Kleinwagensegment über einen Zeitraum von vier Jahren fallen unterschiedlich aus. Im Kompaktwagensegment hat der analysierte Elektro-Pkw einen deutlichen Kostenvorteil. Unter Berücksichtigung der staatlichen und herstellerseitigen Kaufprämien liegt dieser bei 12.300 Euro gegenüber der vergleichbaren benzinbetriebenen Variante; ohne Kaufprämien liegt der Kostenvorteil bei 5.100 Euro. Im Mini-Segment ist der Kostenvorteil mit 1.100 Euro deutlich geringer, allerdings ergibt sich dieser Kostenvorteil nur unter Berücksichtigung der Kaufprämien.

Gesamtbetriebskosten ausgewählter Benzin- und Elektro-Pkw-Modelle im Kompaktklasse und Mini-Segment über eine Haltedauer von vier Jahren (Morrison & Wappelhorst, 2023).

Die öffentliche Ladeinfrastruktur für Elektrofahrzeuge nimmt kontinuierlich zu, vor allem mit Schwerpunkten in städtischen Regionen

Von Januar 2021 bis Dezember 2022 hat sich die Ladeinfrastruktur fast verdoppelt. Die Zahl der Normalladepunkte stieg von 36.000 auf 70.000, die der Schnellladepunkte von 7.000 auf fast 15.000. Sie sind jedoch geografisch ungleichmäßig verteilt und konzentrieren sich vor allem auf städtische Regionen.

Monatliche Entwicklung von öffentlichen und halbföffentlichen Normal- und Schnellladepunkten zwischen Januar 2021 und Dezember 2022.

Kumulative Anzahl von vollständig öffentlich zugänglichen Normalladepunkten im Dezember 2022.

Kumulative Anzahl von vollständig öffentlich zugänglichen Schnellladepunkten im Dezember 2022.

Kosten für neue Pkw belasten untere Einkommensgruppen überproportional

Die Gesamtbetriebskosten eines neuen Pkw über einen Zeitraum von vier Jahren belasten vor allem untere Einkommensgruppen überproportional. Allerdings sind diese Kosten im monatlichen Durchschnitt für die analysierten Elektro-Pkw im Vergleich zu den benzinbetriebenen Pkw geringer. Im Kompaktwagensegment liegen die durchschnittlichen monatlichen Kosten über eine Haltedauer von vier Jahren für den Elektro-Pkw bei 87 Prozent des Haushaltsnettoeinkommens, für den vergleichbaren Benzin-Pkw bei 96 Prozent. Im Mini-Segment liegt der Anteil bei 47 Prozent (Elektro-Pkw) bzw. 49 Prozent (Benzin-Pkw).

Gesamtkosten für den Besitz ausgewählter Fahrzeugmodelle als durchschnittlicher Anteil des monatlichen Haushaltsnettoeinkommens in Deutschland inkl. einmaliger Kaufprämien für Elektro-Pkw beim Neuwagenkauf (Morrison & Wappelhorst, 2023).

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Vision 2050: Strategies to align global road transport with well below 2°C Mon, 27 Nov 2023 04:00:24 +0000 Emphasizes the effectiveness of ambitious zero-emission vehicle sales and age restrictions on used vehicle sales in significantly reducing cumulative CO2 emissions, along with other strategies to achieve well-below 2°C of warming.

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This work builds on the modeling in Sen and Miller (2023), and the ICCT teamed with several key partners to leverage their expertise and explore the potential of a variety of additional strategies to decarbonize global road transport. The strategies assessed in this analysis are: further accelerating the transition of new vehicle sales to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs); accelerating the transition of used vehicle imports to ZEVs; further deployment of internal combustion engine (ICE) efficiency technology for new light-duty vehicles; further deployment of ICE efficiency technology for new heavy-duty vehicles; passenger vehicle avoid-and-shift measures in urban areas; freight vehicle avoid-and-shift measures and operational efficiency improvements; and fleet renewal strategies to shift vehicle activity from older ICE vehicles to new vehicles.

Sen and Miller (2023) demonstrated that a scenario of Ambitious ZEV Sales encompassing a full phaseout of sales of new non-ZEV vehicles globally by 2045 can ensure that the road transport emissions trajectory is compatible with a 67% likelihood of achievement of a below-2°C pathway without overshoot. This study shows that a combination of additional strategies in the “All Out” scenario could further reduce emissions in line with a well-below 2°C pathway with the same parameters. This is similar to what a previous ICCT study, Graver et al., (2022, found is achievable for the aviation sector, but is still far from a pathway that aligns with 1.5°C. The sizeable work that remains is underscored by another finding of this study, that projected CO2 emissions from vehicles that are already on the road today would exceed the limited carbon budget remaining to avoid overshoot of 1.5°C. Indeed, the cumulative emissions from selling no new vehicles going forward are only 10 billion tonnes lower than the All Out scenario when no other measures are implemented.

Ending all car sales tomorrow is not a feasible option, but the strategies identified in this paper are, and are nearly as effective. In particular, Ambitious ZEV Sales for new vehicles combined with restricting the age of used vehicle sales to no more than 5 years for light-duty vehicles and no more than 8 years for heavy-duty vehicles (both with a three-year dispensation for Africa) could avoid an additional 61 billion tonnes of cumulative CO2 emissions globally; this contributes 42% of the emission reductions in the All Out scenario, more than any other two strategies combined. But it also highlights the scale of the challenge in reducing emissions from new and used vehicles in time to avoid overshoot of 1.5°C. While some additional strategies could be considered in future studies, carbon removal technologies may also need to play a role if in-sector efforts are not able to bridge this gap.

Additional Materials:
Expanded Methodology: Data and methods of analysis used in developing strategies to align global road transport with well below 2°c

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中国电动半挂牵引车的实际行驶性能 : 与柴油牵引车使用情况对比 Sun, 12 Nov 2023 15:00:12 +0000 评估在中国唐山运行的电动半挂牵引车的适用性和经济性能。

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在这一案例研究中,电动半挂牵引车每天的运行时间比柴油半挂牵引车长,但由于车队运营商采用了更保守的运营日程安排,电动半挂牵引车每天的行驶里程更短。在这种情况下,电动半挂牵引车与柴油车型相比具有成本竞争力。在货运成本效益(吨*公里/元)方面,电动半挂牵引车在五年的生命周期内比柴油半挂牵引车高出 10%。

图5. 电动半挂牵引车与柴油车型的运输能力对比

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Comparação das emissões de gases de efeito estufa no ciclo de vida de carros de passeio a combustão e elétricos no Brasil Tue, 10 Oct 2023 21:23:17 +0000 Apresenta uma avaliação do ciclo de vida (ACV) das emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) de carros de passageiros com diferentes tecnologias de trens de força no Brasil.

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Read this report in English.

O setor de transporte no Brasil se destaca devido ao seu forte foco em biocombustíveis, com a maioria dos carros de passageiros sendo veículos flex (92% das vendas em 2020), operando com uma proporção significativa de etanol à base de cana-de-açúcar na mistura média de combustível. Ainda assim, depois da agricultura e da mudança no uso da terra, o setor de transporte é a terceira maior fonte de emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) no país. Alcançar a meta do Brasil de zerar as emissões de GEE líquidas até 2050 dependerá, portanto, de uma redução rápida das emissões de GEE nesse setor.

Este estudo avalia quais tipos de motores a combustão ou elétricos permitem a maior redução das emissões de GEE de carros de passageiros. A avaliação do ciclo de vida (ACV) inclui as emissões da fabricação de veículos e baterias, bem como a queima de combustível, a produção de combustível e eletricidade e a manutenção. O estudo compara veículos com motor de combustão interna flex (ICEVs) e veículos elétricos a bateria (BEVs) usando veículos novos médios nas categorias compacta, média e SUV compacto. Quando possível, as emissões de veículos elétricos híbridos (HEVs), veículos elétricos híbridos plug-in (PHEVs) e veículos elétricos a célula de combustível a hidrogênio (FCEVs) também são avaliadas.

O estudo constata que as emissões do ciclo de vida dos ICEVs flex variam amplamente quando operados com gasolina C, etanol ou uma mistura dos dois combustíveis. Isso implica que, para uma avaliação representativa de suas emissões, as proporções médias de gasolina C e etanol no mercado precisam ser consideradas. Com a matriz elétrica brasileira, os BEVs atuais emitem cerca de um terço das emissões do ciclo de vida dos ICEVs flex e os modelos futuros podem se aproximar de emissões zero. Os FCEVs a hidrogênio mostram uma redução semelhante nas emissões de GEE, mas somente quando operados com hidrogênio verde baseado em eletricidade renovável. Híbridos e híbridos plug-in, ao contrário, mostram apenas uma redução limitada nas emissões de GEE e não alcançam emissões zero a longo prazo. Essas descobertas refletem as mesmas tendências observadas em análises anteriores do ICCT de veículos na China, Europa, Índia e Estados Unidos.

Com base nessas descobertas, este estudo também apresenta uma série de recomendações de políticas para descarbonizar o setor de transporte. Em particular, metas ambiciosas nos padrões de emissões de CO2 do próximo Programa Mobilidade Verde e Inovação – PROMOVI (anteriormente Rota 2030) poderiam estabelecer as bases para aumentar continuamente a produção de veículos elétricos no Brasil. Isso ajudaria a alinhar o setor de transporte com as metas climáticas do governo. Além disso, incluir as emissões de mudança no uso da terra no programa de biocombustíveis RenovaBio ajudaria a melhorar a sustentabilidade do etanol.

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Comparison of the Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Combustion Engine and Electric Passenger Cars in Brazil Tue, 10 Oct 2023 04:01:35 +0000 Presents a life-cycle assessment (LCA) of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from passenger cars with different power train technologies in Brazil.

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The transportation sector in Brazil stands out due to its strong focus on biofuels, with most passenger cars being gasoline-ethanol flex-fuel vehicles (92% of sales in 2020) operating on a high share of sugarcane-based ethanol in the average fuel mix. Still, after agriculture and land use change, the transport sector is the third largest source of GHG emissions in the country. Reaching Brazil’s target of net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 will thus depend on a swift reduction of GHG emissions in this sector.

This study evaluates which combustion engine and electric power train types allow the largest reduction of GHG emissions from passenger cars. The life-cycle assessment (LCA) includes the emissions of vehicle and battery manufacturing, as well as fuel combustion, fuel and electricity production, and maintenance. The study compares flex-fuel internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) and battery electric vehicles (BEVs) using average new vehicles across the compact, medium, and compact SUV segments. Where possible, the emissions of hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) are also assessed.

The study finds that the life-cycle emissions of flex-fuel ICEVs vary largely when operated on gasoline C, on ethanol, or on a mix of the two fuels. This implies that for a representative assessment of their emissions, the market average shares of gasoline C and ethanol need to be considered. With the corresponding average electricity mix, current BEVs emit about one third of the life-cycle emissions of gasoline-ethanol flex-fuel ICEVs and future models can approach zero emissions. Hydrogen FCEVs show a similar reduction in GHG emissions, but only when operated on renewable electricity-based (green) hydrogen. Hybrids and plug-in hybrids, in contrast, only show a limited reduction in GHG emissions and do not reach zero emissions in the long term. These findings reflect the same trends observed in previous ICCT analyses of vehicles in China, Europe, India, and the United States.

Based on these findings, this study also presents a series of policy recommendations for decarbonizing the transport sector. In particular, ambitious targets in the CO2 emission standards of the upcoming Green Mobility and Innovation Program – PROMOVI (formerly Rota 2030), could lay the groundwork for continuously increasing electric vehicle production in Brazil. This would help to align the transport sector with the government’s climate targets. Further, including land use change emissions in the RenovaBio biofuels program would help to improve the sustainability of ethanol.

The post Comparison of the Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Combustion Engine and Electric Passenger Cars in Brazil appeared first on International Council on Clean Transportation.
